The T model is an industrial-duty trolley door opener, as manufactured by The Chamberlain Group and is for use on standard lift sectional doors. It is rated for more than 12 cycles per hour during peak periods.
Security+ 2.0 ® radio receiver is standard on-board with Logic 5.0 operators and virtually eliminates radio frequency interference. Accepts up to 90 1‑button or 30 3‑button remote controls plus up to 30 wireless keypads or an unlimited number of DIP switch remote controls
Manual release in case of power failure.
CPS‑U photo eyes are shipped with unit. They project an invisible light beam across the garage door opening and automatically reverse the door if anything interrupts the beam while the door is going down. Sensing technology will stop the door from closing if contact is made with a person or object. Alternate entrapment protection devices may be used or added, such as light curtains and optical edge systems.
Garage doors and garage door openers can be dangerous if not installed and verified by a professional and not used properly. Children must be supervised by an adult when they are inside or in proximity of the garage.
Also included:
Remote(s) optional
Mini 3-button remote control 315MHz (890MAX)
3-button remote control (893LM)
3-button Remote Control (893MAX)
Wireless commercial keypad (KPW5 and KPW250)
Mushroom-button control station
3-button outdoor control station (02-403P)
Commercial protector system® (CPS-UN4)
Red/green traffic light (RGL24LY)
Red/green LED compact traffic light (RGL-CTL)
Sectional door switch (50-450)
Pneumatic Sensing Edge Kit with exterior air switch (65‑5202 or 65‑8202)
Monitored optical edge system (OES-SD)
Antenna extension kit (86LM or 86LMT)
Encrypted DIP single button Remote Control (811LMX)